🕵 Ознакомьтесь с самыми популярными ко-оп программами Georgian College и узнайте, чем они полезны для вас! 👇
🔸Architectural Technology
🔸Building Automation and Systems Integration
🔸Business Administration
🔸Child and Youth Care
🔸Community and Justice Services
🔸Dental Hygiene
🔸Electrical Engineering Technician
🔸Fitness and Health Promotion
... и многие другие!
Или же, если у вас уже есть высшее образование и вы хотели бы получить Graduate Certificate, возможно вам будут интересны эти варианты: 👇
🔹Addictions: Treatment and Prevention
🔹Advanced Care Paramedic
🔹Artificial Intelligence – Architecture, Design, and
🔹Autism and Behavioural Sciences
🔹Big Data Analytics
🔹Building Automation and Systems Integration (Co-op)
🔹Communicative Disorders Assistant
🔹Event Management
🔹Food and Nutrition Management
🔹Global Business Management
🔹Human Resources Management (Co-op)
🔹Information Systems Security (Co-op)
🔹Kitchen and Bath Design
🔹Mobile Application Development
🔹Museum and Gallery Studies
🔹Project Management
🔹Research Analyst
🔹Therapeutic Recreation
Узнайте больше информации у нас!
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